
How to Stay Safe from 13 Sailor Superstitions

Wide view of a red sky at night, the concept of sailor superstitions.

Seafaring is one of the world's oldest occupations, so it is only natural that in times of inexplicable events, superstitions have played a major role in providing reasons for them.

The uncontrollable nature of the sea has given way to many nautical lores, each as curious as the next. So plunge in if you dare and discover thirteen common sailor superstitions. We'll also talk about how to stay safe on the water – whether you believe in superstitions or not!

1. No Bananas On Board

Aside from their peels causing many comedians to trip and fall down, bananas have long been thought to bring bad luck, especially on ships. 

At the height of the trading empire between Spain and the Caribbean in the 1700s, most cases of disappearing ships happened to be carrying a cargo of bananas at the time.

Coincidence? Perhaps. Another theory suggests that because bananas spoiled so quickly, transporters had to get to their destination much quicker. Therefore, fishermen never caught anything while bananas were on board. 

Another danger caused by monkey's favourite fruit fermenting so quickly, was that in the heat of the storage hull, bananas would produce deadly toxic fumes.

A final theory on the perils of bananas at sea (though there are many theories) is that a deadly spider species would hide inside banana bunches. Their lethal bite caused crewmen to die suddenly, heightening the fear that banana cargo was a bad omen.

Many boaters continue to avoid bananas at sea, and some even avoid banana-smelling sun-tan lotion.

A wooden woman from a boat's bow, sailor superstitions.

2. No Women On Board

Women were said to bring bad luck on board because they distracted the sailors from their sea duties. This behavior angered the intemperate seas that would take their revenge on the ship.

However, naked women on board were completely welcome. That's because naked women "calmed the sea." This is why ships typically had a figure of topless women perched on the bow of the ship. Her bare breasts "shamed the stormy seas into calm," and her open eyes guided the seamen to safety.

3. Son of a Gun

A canon on board a ship, sailor superstitions concept.

Male children born on the ship were referred to as "sons of a gun" because the most convenient place to give birth on deck (if you weren't too afraid of having a woman on board) was on the gun deck. 

Having a male child on board was a sign of good luck.

4. No Whistling On Board

An image of Disney's Steamboat Willie, a sailor superstition.

Mariners have long believed that whistling or singing into the wind will "whistle up a storm." So, don't be like Steamboat Willie – keep your tunes to yourself if you're on a boat and feel the urge to whistle while you boat!

5. Red Sky at Night . . . 

A red sky at night, sailor superstitions concept.

"Red sky at night, sailor's delight; red sky in the morning, sailors take warning," the old saying goes. 

Sailors believe that a red sunset indicates a beautiful day to come, while a red sunrise indicates rain and bad weather.

6. Deathly Words

Some words must be strictly avoided at sea to ensure the ship and crew's safe return. These include obvious ones like "drowned" and "goodbye." 

Additionally, if someone says "good luck" to you, it will surely bring bad luck. The only way to reverse the curse is by drawing blood, so a good nose punch will usually do.

7. Beware of a Lurking Shark

A shark following the ship is a sign of inevitable death. So, keep watch and do your best to shake the shark's tail if you see a fin following your boat. 

8. Welcome the Lurking Dolphins

Three dolphins jump out of the water, sailor superstitions.

Dolphins swimming with the ship are a good sign. Don't mistake a dolphin's fin for a shark's. Let dolphins swim nearby! 

9. Don't Sail On These Days

While we believe any day is a great day to be on the water, superstitious sailors avoid certain days at sea. 

They don't sail on Thursdays, Fridays, the first Monday in April, or the second Monday in August.

  • Fridays: Fridays have long been considered unlucky days, likely because Jesus Christ was crucified on a Friday.
  • Thursdays: These are bad sailing days because it is Thor's day, the god of thunders and storms.
  • First Monday in April: The first Monday in April is the day Cain slew Abel
  • Second Monday in August: The second Monday in August is when the kingdoms of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

Superstitious sailors believe that the only good day to set sail is Sundays.

10. The Pirate's Look is a Look For Me

A drawing of a pirate, sailor superstitions concept.

A pierced earlobe on a sailor meant that he had sailed around the world or had crossed the equator. Superstitious sailors wore gold hoop earrings because they believed it brought good fortune. Some thought the gold possessed magic healing powers or served as a protective talisman that would prevent the wearer from drowning.

Tattoos were also seen as lucky. Seafarers would usually tattoo a nautical star on their bodies as the North Star signaled they were nearing home.

Cutting one's hair, nail trimming, and beard shaving were seen as big no-nos.

11. Don't Change the Name of the Boat

Close-up of a boat's name Fishizzle, sailor superstition concept.

It's bad luck to change the name of the boat. So, make sure you pick one you can live with when naming a new vessel!

Once they are named and christened, boats develop a life and mind of their own. However, if you do rename the boat, you absolutely must have a de-naming ceremony.

This ceremony can be performed by writing the current name on a piece of paper, folding it, placing it in a wooden box, and burning it. The ashes are then scooped up and thrown into the sea.

12. Pay Your Dues

Seamen who hadn't paid their debts were blamed for storms and any other misfortunate events that would occur on the ship. So, if you owe a debt, you might want to avoid boarding a boat!

13. Avoid Gingers

Redheads were thought to bring bad luck to a ship if you encountered one before boarding. However, you're saved if you speak to the redhead before they can speak to you.

So we don't kill our luck with this post, we've added one more superstition! 

Lucky 14: Don't Kill an Albatross

Seabirds were thought to carry the souls of dead sailors, and it is considered bad luck to kill one. However, it is considered good luck if you see one.

With or Without Sailor Superstitions, Stay Safe On the Water

We've only covered some of many nautical superstitions. You may know of others that determine when and how you operate your boat! 

However, whether you believe in sailor superstitions or not, operating your boat with safety in mind is crucial. Boaters can overcome many unfortunate events on the water simply by being prepared and having the knowledge to boat responsibly. 

So, whether your next boat outing is on a Friday or you changed the name of a boat you bought secondhand, you'll fare far better on the water if you're safety certified! BOATERexam helps boat operators keep everyone safe through our boating education courses. You'll learn how to navigate around other boats, what kind of safety equipment your boat should have before launching, and what to do in an emergency. 

In the U.S., choose the course for your state and start learning! If you boat in Canada, choose our Canada-approved course and get certified.


Originally published July 15, 2011. Content updated September 21, 2023. 

Canon image source: Hampshirecam
Pirate image source: FOX