The Top 6 Causes of Boating Accidents

Boating accidents can be severe, and all boaters must prioritize safety to avoid them. An accident can lead to severe injuries and even death, so it's crucial to do everything possible to prevent an accident when on the water.
Understanding how to avoid an accident can't guarantee it will never happen, but it can significantly reduce the chances of being involved in one that results in serious injury. Knowing what can cause an accident can help you avoid one, and understanding what to do if one happens can help reduce the severity of injuries and speed up a rescue.
So, what are the top causes of accidents on the water? Today, we highlight six of the most common causes of watercraft accidents and how to keep yourself and other boaters safe on the waterways this season.

Important Boat Accident Statistics
In recent years, statistics on boat accidents have improved – meaning the frequency and volume of accidents have decreased as regulating bodies and boaters better understand how to prioritize safety.
However, more can still be done to reduce the numbers and protect more people from harm. Additionally, being aware of the leading causes of accidents can make it easier for boaters to avoid or reduce their severity.
In 2022, the United States Coast Guard counted 4,040 accidents. Of those, 2,222 were injuries, and 636 were deaths. In accidents where the cause of death was known, 75% of fatalities were from drowning, and 85% of the drowning victims weren't wearing a life jacket.

The Top 6 Causes of Boating Accidents
While the statistics have improved over the past several years, the biggest contributors to boat accidents remain the same year after year. Understanding these causes and the simple things you can do to avoid them can keep you safe on the water every season.
Here are the top six causes of boating accidents boaters should know.
#1: Alcohol and Substance Abuse
The number one cause of boating accidents is alcohol and substance abuse while boating.
If you're intoxicated, it's much harder for you to operate a vessel safely. That can lead to a higher accident risk and contribute to severe injuries and loss of life. Not only that, but it's illegal to boat under the influence, and there can be significant penalties for it.
If you plan on drinking while on the water, someone else should operate the boat. However, the safest approach is to leave alcohol on the dock and enjoy it after your day on the water. When everyone on the boat is sober, everyone is safer.
#2: Operator Inexperience, Error, or Inattention
Many boat accidents happen because people lack experience in operating watercraft.
Of course, you must use and navigate your boat to gain experience, so there's a little bit of increased risk for any new boater. Still, when you're aware of your limits and surroundings, you can reduce the risk of accidents and safely get more time behind the wheel.
The dangers of inexperience highlight the need for proper training, certification, and ongoing education to stay up-to-date with changing regulations and best practices for safe operation. While the primary ways to operate a boat won't change significantly once you learn how to operate a boat, local rules and regulations can change from time to time.
Staying informed and learning the proper way to navigate the waters can help you avoid an accident.
#3: No Boating Education for the Operator
Statistics confirm that 74% of deaths that occur on boats took place on vessels where the operator didn't have any (or enough) boating safety education.
In short, boater safety education saves lives. It goes hand in hand with experience, and the two work together to protect you and other boaters, along with their passengers, out on the waterways.

#4: Speeding and Reckless Operation
If you're speeding or operating your boat recklessly (or both), you increase your chances of being involved in a collision, capsizing, having someone fall overboard, or getting involved in other types of accidents on the water.
Even though it might be fun to go fast, the speed limit is there for a reason: to keep you and other boaters and swimmers safe.
Also, adjust your speed and other choices based on things like the amount of traffic, visibility, and weather conditions. Even traveling at the speed limit can be too fast when the weather is bad or if it's foggy or dark outside.
#5: Lack of Proper Navigation and Right-of-Way Knowledge
Collisions frequently occur when boaters don't understand or follow the proper rules of navigation, including right-of-way regulations and buoy markers.
To be a safe boater, you must familiarize yourself with all your local boating laws and navigation rules, as well as practice situational awareness and communication with other vessels. Doing these things will help keep everyone safer and offer a better boating experience.
#6: Equipment Failure and Maintenance Issues
Sometimes, a problem occurs because something on the boat fails. Failures of essential boating equipment, such as engines, steering systems, or navigation lights, can cause accidents on the water.
While it's not always possible to avoid or plan for a malfunction, you can reduce the chances by maintaining your boat properly. Also, be sure you understand the safety tips and equipment to consider so you have everything needed to warn other boaters and get help.
Make sure you're prepared to respond appropriately if something goes wrong. Carry life jackets, fire extinguishers, and signaling devices to call for help if you're involved in an accident.

Boater Education Helps You Avoid Accidents on the Water
Being aware of the top potential causes of accidents can help you be more aware of how you operate your boat and improve your chances of avoiding an accident. However, it's only part of safely operating a boat to keep yourself and others safe during boating season.
Before you take your boat out and start having fun, take the time to get safety certified through a boater education course. An online course through BOATERexam will help you learn essential information for safe boating practices and make it easier to enjoy peace of mind and confidence while on your boat.
Our courses are 100% online and approved by the U.S. and Canadian boating authorities to meet boating safety education and licensing requirements. So, don't put yourself or your crew at risk of an accident on the water this season! Before boating in Canada, choose our Canada-approved course. In the U.S., select the course for your state and start learning.