Course Outline

Marine Distress Signals - Anytime Use

marine radio

Marine Radio

  • 2182 KHz (MF)
  • Channel 16, 156.8 MHz VHF
  • DSC alert, channel 70 (only for DSC-type radios and where the service is offered)
*Can also call 911 at any time if a cell phone is available

emergency position radio beacon

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon

  • Use alarm signal



  • Type A: Parachute flare
  • Type B: Multi-star flare
  • Type C: Handheld flare
  • Type D: Orange smoke flare

audible distress signals

Audible Distress Signals

  • Continuous sound with any foghorn, bell or whistle
  • Gun or other explosive signal fired at one-minute intervals



  • Flash S.O.S. signal (short-short-short long-long-long short-short-short)
